Saturday, January 21, 2012

Where'd I go?

Just a quick note to everyone.  Yes, the site was down.  No, I don't know why.  Google sent me an e-mail demanding a cell phone number.  Once I entered it, the site returned.  Sadly, that's all the information I have.  I don't know if there was a complaint against the site, or if I triggered some sort of alarm on their end, or if this is some sort of preliminary SOPA/PIPA defense they're rolling out.  (Maybe one of the admins there is just such a huge fan that they wanted my phone number?  lol).

Whatever it is, site's back up.  I'm grateful that the fix was so easy, but damn it'd be nice to know WHY it was gone in the first place.  Something I'd like to avoid in the future.



  1. Actually this things happen when you have downloadable material, or if the site has personal information, it happened to me a lot in my email account and other places, usually it happens often, even when you give your phone number, i don't know why haha, anyway, nice game, i'm waiting for the next update

  2. It's good to have you back, DirtyC. You know how fond of your project I am, rarely as I comment in specific on the blog. =D It's so good that it was just a bug, you know? I -always- play Krystal. xD I'm a huge fan of hers, so I didn't even know she was -in- a 'help me' event, heh. I hope the next demo, with the double-team animations will be out soon. :3 There's so many enemies in that area, will they all be able to double-team with each other? FUN! I hope.

  3. Google does the same thing, they ask for verification when it comes to certain things, since Blogspot is owned by Google. You have to do the same thing in order to post movies greater then 15 minutes on YouTube.

  4. google have got a service where u have to type a code in that they msg to ur phone if ur logging in on something for first time in a while with google account but only google know why they ask 4 ur number :/

  5. So, why Google needs your cell phone? I mean, they can contact you by email!
    That shit looks like getting users' personal information to sell to companies, just the same that Facebook does.

  6. Exactly, otherwise they wont get much money you see.
    Its like "give me your credit card number!" xD

  7. I actually created a Newgrounds account just to send you a PM stating 'WTF mate? Where be the blogspot, matey? Yaaar."

  8. I just found your game, much thanks for creating it, it is awesome! And good job on sticking to it!
