Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Mini Post: All cluttered up and no where to go.

So this month I let myself become addicted to Fire Emblem Heroes.  Stupid stupid stupid.  Also awesome.  No really, it's fun, but not so great for keeping the momentum going here.  (For those of you about to go search for it, it is not a porn game).

And yet somehow I also worked on my own game.  Yeah, surprised me too.  Nothing huge, but progress is being made on the dunecrawler interior.  And I'm actually happy with most of it.  It's not nearly cluttered enough to look really lived in imo, but I think it gets the vibe across.  More importantly, most of the objects in here are actually interactive.  There's actually so much stuff that there's no room left without having hitboxes overlap.

Also, female cum is hard to draw.


  1. Looking pretty good so far, and the Ruby Plate looks really cool and well detailed.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Nice. If you ever need some help drawing, or a motivational speech, feel free to hit me up :D

  3. Dayuum.

    Steady progress on my furry fury?

  4. Hey I have a doubt that in serious I do not leave there, the spoils of defeating the guy who has a friend violate and reestablish a fox and give the pieces to the guy who is fixing the car, what do you have to do? I have been seeing for months that I seriously do not understand

    1. Dat Google Translate...

      Go ahead, say it in Spanish.

  5. Can't wait for the next release.

  6. Any reason why I haven`t been able to download Furry Fury lately?

  7. DirtyC101, you're awesome! I never liked sex-games before yours! It's something perfect! Your latest game is the best in all collection! I waiting with big pleasure for continue of K.Fox adventures... Good luck to you with your project.

  8. welp, spambots reached this post.

    Time for a new news post? :D

    1. Fixed for today. Tomorrow, well, tomorrow will have to take care of itself.
