Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mini Post: Is it hot in here? well, yeah, it is a giant metal vehicle in a desert...

So I'm working on the dunecrawler interior this month.  It's still mighty barren, I haven't added in all the knicknacks that make a place look lived in.  But it's been kinda fun to work with creating new stuff again.  I had started to take a swing at this maybe... I don't know, say two years ago, and it came out so bad that I shelved it for "later".  I had even forgotten you could get in here until one of you pointed it out in the comments.  Anyway, this area will be a place where you can repair armors, and possibly grab one of the special ones if you didn't like your first pick.  At least, that's the plan for today - tomorrow, who knows?

Til next time


  1. okay....keep up the good work.

  2. arrgg. Must see the saddle in action..... Losing sanity waiting for updates..... Really looking forward to the update.

  3. One thing I need to ask, the cheat code we get at "Furry Fury - Beta on the Beach" when we get to level 30, what does it do?

    1. If I recall correctly, there are 2 cheats, one of them lets you play as Krystal, the other one reduces the damage you receive, or something like that, and maybe you can enter it many times.

    2. I know that buy then you get to level 30 it said Use this code in the new game,
      I code send a screen shot but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. Nice DirtyC, really nice.

    I'm loving these constant mini posts, keep up the good work!

  5. Hey there DirtyC ! I'm always overjoyed to see you post. I hope you are having a great day and i can't wait to play your game again. =)

  6. Nice! Really looking good, I've loved this game since I first saw it years ago.. Seeing you get back on the saddle is just delightful!!

  7. Glad to see you're still alive bro. Keep up the work and I look forward for your next release

  8. holy shit a post two months after the last one! glad to see your back at the helm of this beat up boat, and good luck on ruby armor.(though i think it looks fine) oh jsut to wonder when are u making the female elf armor, or did u forget about it

  9. "Days", "tomorrow"? Not being a butt, it's genuinely exciting to hear you use those words c:

  10. You're the best, man! Keep doing what you love :)
