Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Manna by Marshal Brain

This post contains nothing about porn at all.  It's simply a post I found that was so interesting, I felt the need to link it.  As an apology, here are two porn blogs you may not know: 
hnyarly.blogspot.com is by another amateur coder like myself, and he even posts here occasionally. 
theknightshinesbright.blogspot.com is 3D picture/movie related, but I really dig his art style.

Today I read a series of posts simply named "Manna".  It's near future science fiction, which I usually dislike.  Or to be more precise, the writer usually fails to get past my bullshit filter.  They will make some 'funny' assumptions in order to get their alternate future world in motion, and my mind immediately rejects everything from that point forward.  Manna's assumptions are so simple though that I really can't contradict them:

1. Corporations are greedy.
2. A computer program with some wireless headsets is a cheaper way to manage minimum wage employees.

From there it snowballs in the usual SF manner, and gets pretty damn bleak.  He 'saves' it with a utopia around the 5th post, but he's got too many assumptions in his dream world for me to accept it.  If you have similar feelings, you may want to stop around the 4th page or so. 

This really got me thinking.  In a world where we no longer have minimum wage jobs, and only a sliver of middle class jobs, what is one supposed to do to earn a living?  I don't have an answer of course, but my mind is still spinning, and probably will be all night.

I actually took a course on Science Fiction once.  One of the points I remember is that Science Fiction isn't really about spaceships or aliens, but rather it's about getting us to think about how our present actions could affect the future.  Marshal Brain totally nailed that today.


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