Sunday, September 4, 2011

September Update

R said... How many acts are there gonna be? And are you going to release any more betas or wait till its finished completely?

This blog is popular enough folks are building accounts just to post?  And one letter names are still available?  Lols all around.  ;P

The game will have 3 acts.  The first act ya already know from the beta, it just needs the final boss & some misc background stuff (which is what I've been working on).  The second act is slightly smaller in length, just because there's less running around/puzzles.  You'll visit Hoppykin Village mainly to gear up, and once cleared you'll probably be bouncing back there occasionally for repairs & upgrades.  (Did I really call it that?  I need a better name.  Sadly 'Shire' is already taken.)  Then the 3rd act is the real meat of the game, and SHOULD be about the size of the other two acts combined.  It may shrink depending on my motivation, but the goal at the moment is a moderately sized area.

My goal is to have the game done before 2012.  I promise I'll post something playable by then.  Whether it's merely another beta or a full game will depend on how much spare time I have (I could really use some more 3 day weekends).

And to wrap this post up, here's the ending screen from Act 1.  This is how you unlock the cheat codes, so thought I'd show ya your goals.  This is an early screenshot from back when it was full of bugs, and I thought it was neat because I managed to get zero's on everything (which is impossible, as you have to defeat the slimeboss to make it appear). 


  1. About the saving the wizard thing? how would you implement that if the Player is a wizard?

  2. I'm guessing he would just not include it.

    What about Gearton?

  3. Yea but that would mean it would be detrimental to play as a wizard yourself then, especially if you got upgrades or something that were dependent on your score.

  4. If you're playing the wizard, that box is greyed out with a "N/A" over it. The score gives you credit as if you completed it. Now, that does deny you the code for the starter wizard hat, but since the wizard aready starts with it, not really a problem (imo).

  5. Will sweet wizard love be included in the final release? :3

  6. I made an account too just to post here :D
