Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mini Post: Is it hot in here? well, yeah, it is a giant metal vehicle in a desert...

So I'm working on the dunecrawler interior this month.  It's still mighty barren, I haven't added in all the knicknacks that make a place look lived in.  But it's been kinda fun to work with creating new stuff again.  I had started to take a swing at this maybe... I don't know, say two years ago, and it came out so bad that I shelved it for "later".  I had even forgotten you could get in here until one of you pointed it out in the comments.  Anyway, this area will be a place where you can repair armors, and possibly grab one of the special ones if you didn't like your first pick.  At least, that's the plan for today - tomorrow, who knows?

Til next time