Sunday, May 8, 2011

May Update

Feel kinda silly calling this an update, because I haven't touched the game since my last post. But, my list of 'busy' is getting shorter by the day. With luck, I'll be back in the saddle again by the middle of this month. On the upside, one of the fun results from all this work is I should have a new(er) computer to work with, so it's definitely not a total wash. haha

There were 2 big bugs y'all found, and wanted to talk about them a bit. (Yay for sorta - code theory!) The first is that the game will lock if you mash buttons during a scene change. That has to do with how commands are sent & executed. If you can imagine, once you press the A button to attack, I have to tell the program to stop accepting further inputs of the A button, or it will keep sending you the the first frame of the attack animation until you let go of the A button. Conversely, the final frame of the attack routine tells the program that the attack has ended, which resets the hero back to the default state. The problem here is that a scene change interrupts the attack routine. The last frame never plays, which means it can never reset the hero. So, the program thinks you're still in the middle of an attack & won't accept new inputs, but it will never get that reset signal because the animation was stopped. This one should actually be a pretty easy fix. Simply tell the end of the scene loader to reset any attacks. Or I could lock the keyboard from inputs during scene changes.

The second is that if you die & continue while double teamed, one of the monsters will become invisible/invulnerable. There were no double team animations until about two weeks before the release. This was the last feature I added, and no real surprise, I missed something. In this case, I simply forgot to tell the continue code to check for a second monster in a grapple. So when you continue, it never properly loads the second monster back. He's still there, but his sprite is 'lost'. Actually, it's off-screen, which is where I 'hide' sprites I know I need but don't want to show at that time. What I find interesting is that some of the hit attacks from this off-screen monster still seem to work normally. In my mind, they shouldn't. (And that is neat, imo.) Anyway, this should be a simple fix of telling the continue button to check for a 2nd grappler & reload them if necessary. Hell, I may not have to even run the check, I may simply tell it to reload two grapplers every time, and if the 2nd grappler isn't there it shouldn't do anything.

And since I like to end with at least one picture, here's one from the ULMF forums that made me lol. One of the guys there hacked the game's variables so that they can be set to anything - note the 859 continues. ;)

Til next time


  1. Glad to hear that you're getting your stuff taken care of. I was starting to wonder if you disappeared!

    Its good that bugs were found because of this release, and since this is far from a finished product, I think it'd be a little silly to already have people start asking when the next demo or release might be out. :P

    I can't wait to see what else you have planned once you get things back into motion again.

  2. wow it is quiet here

  3. Big time fan of your work, and very impressed with this latest game Twin Orbs you are workign on. The ability to influence the grapples is an amazing idea and done rather well, but I have thought of one suggestion to possably balance it a little more. Adding a chain combo system, where successfully unputting perfect chains to push the grapple in your favor will become more effective each time. Since a character with high body realy doesn't need this advantage, the benifit gained should be a spirit based stat while the amount of time between inputs is longer for high body characters. I realise this would be difficult to program, but it could help out in balancing so that stronger enemies don't become near impossable for weak characters. Asuide from this one suggestion the game is great, keep up the good work!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. dirty if possible please delete comment above that has my name

  6. plz if u cant delete comment fully so no1 see the name then plz delete this wholle blog thread thing plz i will even donate once u do!

  7. can you post another update ?

  8. thats a good question. Its been a long while...
