Sunday, February 27, 2011


Realized I haven't posted in a few, so thought I'd talk a bit about the new grapple system. I liked the old one okay, but there wasn't much too it. Once a grab started, there's not much to do other than wait for it to end. Those of you playing one handed probably appreciated that, so whatever I chose to do needs to keep that in mind as well.

In the old system, there were basically two looping animations, one for if you started the grab, and one for if the monster started it. In the new system I've combined both of those, and depending on who is in 'control' of the grapple, the animation will change. At the moment, the grapple control is divided into four phases - player dominant, player advantage, monster advantage, and monster dominant. I just made those terms up, but I think that gets the jist. Anyway, there's a unique animation for each of the four phases, and damage dealt/received will change based on which of the four phases you are in.

So how do you change phases you ask? Well, the starting phase is determined by who starts the grapple & adjusted a bit by health (a character at low health has a penalty). After that, control will shift a bit on it's own, based on the relative strength scores (Body Stat) between them. Those of you playing one handed will probably stop there, it's 'enough' of a game as is. For those of you playing to play however, there's an additional arrow system, where you match the arrows to further shift the bar to your advantage.

I think that about covers it, so here's some pictures of the four phases vs. a zombie crewman. Oh, as long as you have armor on, the monster can't shift advantage to the 4th phase (Monster dominant). I call it Armor Save. He will of course try to take your armor off to solve that problem.

Oh, & there's still a buncha testing numbers on the screen for me.  No worries, I promise I'll clean all that up before the final game.  hahah



  1. So, when might it be possible to see some sort of release/pre-release, even if it was of an unfinished game? I'm pretty intrigued by how you're going about this.

  2. For my 1st comment ever, that's a much better question than I deserve.

    I really don't like demo or beta releases, as I feel they dilute the main game. When you see all the 'tricks' at a half finished state, it just cheapens the whole experience. That said, I thought I would be done by now, and I'm probably only about 1/3 of the way. So, I've been reconsidering my position on demos. It's pretty likely I'll release one 'soon'.

    No promises though. =D

  3. Nah, I respect your work as a game maker, having played your first K-Fox.

    I'm curious, if you're into the state of grappling, what other major components do you still have to do? Of course, I don't know what you have planned in the grand design so what do I know. :3

    As for a HUD, if you're taking suggestions, you might want to consider playing vital player stastics to the far upper left (Such as level of health/armor/etc), and next to those bars could be a single consumable equip item (IE: A health potion). Items such as weapons and armor could be kept to a secondary inventory screen, pausing the game to bring them up and give the players a chance to equip the desired items. You should also include an unequip option for those that might desire a clothing optional experience. Quest items could also be stored in this inventory as a holding place to show they've been aquired.
