Thursday, May 24, 2018

May - Worst Threesome Ever

Nice thing about trying to capture in game images while playing is I often get some real gems.  I feel real bad for that elf once the naga chomps down.  Going to leave a mark.

Sad to say I didn't really get much done this month.  Those of you on my Patreon know I had planned to have something up early this month.  I really should stop planning, it never works.  Instead I've only just recently been able to get free to work on this again.  But rather than skip two months in a row, I wanted to post 'stuff' even if it's small, and try to get back in the groove.  We'll see how that worked soon enough.

On the upside, I did finish the third and final stone statue.  It's in the background, did you even notice it?  I've greatly over-sized him to help, which I'm not sure is a good idea.  Figured I'd post a picture so I could have something to ponder.  As I'm typing this, I think a more normal sized statue with some back-lighting would work better.

I also believe I finally found a work-around for the frame rate issues that were plaguing the main boss's area.  Every single tree was an individual item placed in the background.  Now, I assumed that once the background was drawn, it was 'done', but apparently Flash still keeps track of each individual item.  Anyway, I combined them all together, and the problem seems to have gone away.  Will suck if I ever decide to modify that background, so it had damn well better be right.  hah.

Anyway, that's all for today.