Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mini Post: Improvements he says

Hey again everyone.  Getting a bit farther along with the dunecrawler content.  Ran into some real snags, as the saddle actually changes a bit throughout the different phases.  I had thought I already had all that worked out, but y'know how everything only works great in the planning phase.  Once I started actually adding the second stage of animations, well, had to go back & fix a lot.  Still, the slow boil of progress is, uhm, simmering?

I don't like getting folks excited for nothing, but I've been thinking it's been a long time since a public release.  So, I will probably release one as soon as the dunecrawler phases are all done.  Let's say three months to be safe, but I'm aiming for quicker.  Of course, y'know how great I am at getting shit done on time, so maybe I should be saying 2019?  Meh, we'll see.

Around the interwebs

I'd been skipping this section lately, but there's two things that caught my eye this month.   I felt they were worth of mention.

LOK: Rebirth.  I doubt anyone following me doesn't already know about this.  So consider this more of an unpaid advertisement I guess?  There's a small team lead by Kuja, and they're making a new game based around the Legend of Krystal universe.  It's a different type of game than mine, but it all draws from the same source content.  If you like my game, you should probably check it out.

A Zombie's Life.  Again, a much more popular game than mine, but wanted to recognize them for being in a very elite club.  They're on Patreon, and they've finished a game.  Seriously, that's a pretty small group, and that accomplishment is worthy of celebration.  Bonus points for the game actually being good.  Could use some breast variety, not a fan of JJJ jugs myself, but they know what sells.  Anyway, go check it out if you haven't already.