Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy New Year!

Okay, maybe I'm a week early wishing everyone a Happy New Year?  I don't get to be early often, so let me savor it a bit.  *Ahhhhhh*  Word on the street is that 2016 has been a pretty rough year.  I'd like to help, in the best way I know how.  (Hint, check the sidebar.)

A new game you say?  What is this madness?  Well....  calling it a new game is being generous.  Mini-game would be much more apt.  And it wasn't so much that I set out to make a new game, more like I looked around & realized I had all the pieces ready & just had to put it together.  I was looking at Playshapes' original game, which had these wonderful Legend of Zelda animation but no gameplay to speak of, and then I looked at one of my failed team projects that had this fun mini-game but no animations.  And I thought, "HEY!  I could really use a sandwich."  And after that I thought maybe I'd put these two together.

The sad truth is the gameplay that I originally thought was AWESOME wears out its welcome really fast.  Too fast in fact.  It's just not good enough to hang a full game around.  When I realized it wasn't going to work as a full game, rather than throw in the towel, I pruned it back a whole bunch and turned the whole thing into a minigame.  This has some interesting side effects.  For example, the story which was mainly window dressing now actually takes up a significant portion of the play time.

It occurs to me that I should also probably mention that I am NOT quitting work on Furry Fury.  It's been so long since I touched it though, I needed something small to get my skills sharp again.  I think this did the trick.  We'll see soon enough.

Anyway, enough rambling from me.  Go play it, I hope you like it, and I hope you have a great 2017.  Maybe I'll even post more.  *waves*

Around the Interwebs

Malise & the Machine is one of those "where did this come from?" games.  I had seen it referenced a few times, but it didn't sound like it was anything special.   Eventually I bothered to download the demo.  Wow, was I blown away.  It has an option for no-pause combat, which I strongly recommend.  Makes the game both frantic & exciting, something often missing from RPG fare.  And of course, there's sex too.  Having the sex during combat is usually a clusterfuck, but it just works here.  Come to think of it, I guess that's what Furry Fury is as well, so there's probably a connection there.

In a very similar vein of mixing combat with sexy times, Heroine Rumble is a wrestling game that does a great job of blending the two.  It could  still use some polish, and the characters all look borderline Loli to my eyes, but I'm watching this one eagerly.

And last on my list is Rubber Bullets.  Barbarian Babes is another one of those sites that I've known about forever, but never really paid much mind.  Their content always seems to focus on overly chesty women murdering each other.  Which, just isn't a kink of mine.  But recently I discovered rubber bullets, which is overly chesty women stunning each other, then having sexy fun times.  THAT is a recipe I can get behind.

That's all for now.