Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September update

My game update: As you might have guessed, I'm fed up with being busy all the time. So today I slacked off & worked on my game. Feels like it's been eons since I've touched it. Most of the time was spent going "how did I do this last time?". I even had to do the "where did I put my notes? I put them somewhere safe so I wouldn't have to search for them" - yeah, that search. Naturally they were right in front of me, just under a pile of other stuff. haha

So, very slow today, but it's nice to at least say the game isn't totally sitting still anymore. Hopefully I'll be able to build some time in each week & get this project moving again. It sucks to have projects to do that are both fun & rewarding, but not be able to get to them.

Around the Interwebs:

K, since my game is slow, let's talk about other games. The first one was a total surprise to me. I found it in my inbox. Game is called Pendulum, developer is cheshireCat, and you can find links to the game on his blog.

Now, let me say, one of my side-dreams for this blog was to review porn games. I'm unaware of anyone else who does so well. So getting a porn game in the mail for free was like hitting the goddamn lottery. Super-psyched. Too bad he sent me the link a month ago. Like I said, busy here. hahah

Anyway, the game is both cool & flawed. It's a platform game where you race upwards to avoid being burned by lava. The enemies will grab you & rape you, which doesn't necessarily end you, but it does waste lots of precious time.

In further coolness, the levels seem to be randomly generated on the fly - monsters & platforms are never in the same place twice. There is also a GLADOS-like voice taunting you during the levels, which I found to be very cool until it started repeating itself. So, some really cool concepts going on here.

The flaws come in the pixel porn itself. There's a cut-off for me where the pixels are so coarse that the porn just stops being interesting. This game is well over that line. The sprites are so low-rez that they might as well be censored. Hell, maybe they are, I can't tell. hahah. Some folks like that level of detail, as it leaves a lot to the imagination. Sadly, that's not my thing. Even so, glad to give a fellow artist a bump. Good luck man!

Next up was another surprise. Hounds of the Blade had an update. This was a game I had written off as being dead. I don't think the author had updated in over a year. Seeing this one come back was, well, a bit inspiring really. Having my own game sit, and seeing a (better) porn game do the same & come back, well, yeah, just cool all around.

You can find he game on the author's blog, but you will probably have more luck using ULMF instead. Not only can you find an english translation patch, but you will sometimes find torrents or just good links directly in the forums. At the minimum, you can usually find someone who speaks enough Japanese to point ya to the correct download link on the author's site.

And lastly, I wanted to also add a link to Ellowas. This one isn't a game link, but rather some impressive 3D movieclips. I had been following him (her?) a while ago for some of his warcraft porn, but hadn't visited in a while. Sometime since then he's started adding sound to his little movie clips, and wow, they went from good to amazing. So I thought this deserved a bump, if for nothing else other than I really dig the clips he did with Elizabeth. Who I think is from Bioshock Infinite, which is a game, so the link totally counts. haha

Til next time