Monday, April 23, 2012

Where have all the good Horde Modes gone?

Back when I started this project, the game was going to focus on Horde mode.  There was going to be a little story to make the 'how to play' tutorial interesting, but that was about it.  The game has shifted direction almost completely since then.  Aside from adding in a monster (de-)selector tool, there hasn't been an update to Horde mode in ages.

So consider myself surprised when I found myself thinking about Horde mode all day today.  I'd like to make it more interesting, but I haven't settled on how I'm going to change it.  In Beta on the Beach, there's defined fixed waves to fight through.  I ditched that a while ago so that monsters could spawn continuously.  Now I'm not so sure that was a good move.  Having waves of monsters gives a natural pause, and more importantly it gives a score (sort of) that can be used to compare how well you did.  It would also provide a good place for me to drop power-ups on the player if I decide to add that.

So anyway, I'm picturing something more along the lines of stages, where you fight your way through slightly different combinations of monsters on each level.  Backgrounds change say maybe every 5 waves or so?  So wave one might be 10 zombies on the ship, wave two might be a mix of 12 zombies & tentacles, wave three might add some pirates... you get the idea.  I like the idea of trying to make Horde mode roughly equivalent in play value to story mode.  Well, maybe not in the initial play through, but perhaps in replay value.

The other reason this is on my mind is I'm starting to work on my version of a gallery mode.  Again, Horde mode was supposed to kind of fill that void, but once it was all set up, I can see that it just doesn't cut it. (In my defense, turning the grapple duration to really slow & turning certain monsters off isn't a half-bad gallery either).  Regardless, by adding in a real gallery I'm actually taking value away from Horde mode.  Okay, maybe that's a stretch.  hahah.  But I feel like this area needs some work, so I'll probably revamp it.  Someday... hahah.

Anyway, that's where my thoughts are today.  Comment away!

Friday, April 13, 2012

More pose suggestions

Okay, I'm almost done with the double team animations.  No really!  Okay, I'm stuck on the last one.  I actually don't have a plan for how to combine the male bunnykin & female bunnykin as a double team.  There's no canon for combining flying carpets and tentacle flowers.  (Or at least, none that I know of anyway. haha).

I'm sure it can be done, but the more I think about it, I'd almost rather not go that route.  I'm imagining either flying carpets with horrible flower patterns on them, or worse, flower petals made from carpets. So I'm backing away from that route.   Okay, I could probably use the carpet to hold the hero down while the flower does the tentacle thing, but I'm just not feeling it (and there's already plenty of both in the male/male and female/female combos).

The bunnykin are mages.  When we let magic on the table it really opens up the possibilities for unusual or erotic poses.  So this is one of the few chances I have to do something really out there.  At first I was going to have them combine their magics & summon up an elemental, but elementals usually aren't that hot (yes, fire elemental joke here).  Then I was thinking more along the lines of having them summon a sex dungeon horse (is there a shorter name for that?) or maybe a strap-down bed.  But I'm not too keen on implying the bunykin are into that level of kink (that's for some other characters hehe).  More importantly, sex dungeons aren't terribly magical which is what I'm trying to hit here.

So thought I'd ask the collective here for ideas.  Once we put some magic in the mix, is there a new pose you'd want to try that isn't normally possible?  FWIW, I was envisioning the male as having the ability to animate non-living items, while the female is more like a druid & can control plants & earth critters.  But that's completely optional.  If you want them floating around with magic portals allowing some funny positions, well, now's your chance to convince me.  =)  Hm.. actually, that last one doesn't sound so bad.


Monday, April 9, 2012

April Update

Next Release: summer-ish

From what I understand, Kyrieru lost his job recently.  Rather than jump back in the rat race, he's going to try making porn games for a living.  As someone who enjoys playing porn games, I want to encourage this.  =)  So, his first game is completed.  It's called Kurovadis.  The demo is free, and the game is only five bucks.  You can check it out here:

Probably best to keep Kurovadis discussion on his boards, but FWIW I liked it.  While most porn games are mainly porn with no game, this is closer to the opposite.  Sure, there's porn too, but the focus is on the game here.  I guess you could fap to it if you tried hard enough though.  lol.

Okay, onto my game.  Still progressing, but the pace is mind-numbing slow.  I'm about halfway through the double team animations now.  There's not really much to discuss there though, so I'm going to break my usual habit & talk about something that might not even make it into the game:

Take a quick head count in case you missed it.  Foursomes.  Or call them triple teams, either way works.  This is a fantastic example of feature creep.  It's something I hadn't considered originally, but once someone suggested it, I thought it would be a good idea.  

Don't get too excited though.  I don't have any code in yet to support this, and at the pace I'm going this will be months out.  In my defense, this may not actually work once I try to put it into the game, so don't be shocked if it's not there in the next release.  Could end up being more of a social interaction than a fight for all I know. hehe.  
