Monday, April 9, 2012

April Update

Next Release: summer-ish

From what I understand, Kyrieru lost his job recently.  Rather than jump back in the rat race, he's going to try making porn games for a living.  As someone who enjoys playing porn games, I want to encourage this.  =)  So, his first game is completed.  It's called Kurovadis.  The demo is free, and the game is only five bucks.  You can check it out here:

Probably best to keep Kurovadis discussion on his boards, but FWIW I liked it.  While most porn games are mainly porn with no game, this is closer to the opposite.  Sure, there's porn too, but the focus is on the game here.  I guess you could fap to it if you tried hard enough though.  lol.

Okay, onto my game.  Still progressing, but the pace is mind-numbing slow.  I'm about halfway through the double team animations now.  There's not really much to discuss there though, so I'm going to break my usual habit & talk about something that might not even make it into the game:

Take a quick head count in case you missed it.  Foursomes.  Or call them triple teams, either way works.  This is a fantastic example of feature creep.  It's something I hadn't considered originally, but once someone suggested it, I thought it would be a good idea.  

Don't get too excited though.  I don't have any code in yet to support this, and at the pace I'm going this will be months out.  In my defense, this may not actually work once I try to put it into the game, so don't be shocked if it's not there in the next release.  Could end up being more of a social interaction than a fight for all I know. hehe.  



  1. Bought and beat that game already. It's a really neat game, love the platform game style of it <3
    Also still looking forward to this game <3

  2. This triple team is awesome
    to bad you don't have the code for it, maybe i should help look for it = /
    Im a begginer in flash cs5 so i would do what i can to help haha
    But if this triple team idea works then i think my internet bill is going to sky rocket when this game comes out
    (ill be playing for days straight 0.0)

  3. wow nice screen, nice work!!)

  4. aaaaaa i want to see thaat scenesssssssss
