Wednesday, July 20, 2011


My plan was to start slowly, and mainly just work on the drawing stuff to get my feet wet again.  Yeah, that plan lasted about 5 minutes.

One of the problems I mentioned back when the game was posted is that opening the inventory while a grab is ending will lock the game up.  (This is a different bug than the lockup during a scene change BTW, but I think I have that one fixed too).  This particular bug is caused by having two simultaneous gotoAndPlay() calls that point to the same frame.  So, Play + Play = Stop.  I guess that's like hitting the play button twice on your VCR (lol, I'm old), the game pauses instead of playing.

This is one of those bugs that I have really wanted to fix, and every time I came back to it, nothing.  Hours wasted here, lots of checks & BS added, and still nothing.   I just had one of those "fuck, THAT makes it work?" moments, and it's so dumb that I feel it needs to be shared.  heh.  Turns out putting a play() command on the target frame keep the game moving.  It's a dumb solution (Play + Play + Play = Play?), but at this point I'm really happy with a dumb solution.  =D

Why is all this even remotely important you might ask?  Because only some of the weapons grant invulnerability with their S attack.  If you're surrounded & trying to make some room as a grapple is ending, sometimes it's better to switch weapons first.  And now that's finally an option. 



  1. Yeah, as a wise man once said, programming in theory isn't working and you know why; programming in practice is working and you have no idea why...

  2. How, if you allow, do we download your game and its updates from you? This allows of course people to playtest and provide critisism or just to fap. All the same how do we do that? AS to how you fixed the lock up problem, the extra play() command takes presidence over the other two clauses.if you wrote the extra command in a new line of script then it bipasses the infinte loop and forces the game to move forward. I may be completely wrong but from what i know about programming languages this seems to fit.

  3. Where do we play your latest version?

  4. 12eku, Shadow Scythe,
    There hasn't been a new release yet. I've linked the old version in the sidebar though. Hopefully this link will last a little longer than my previous attempts.

  5. dirtyc101:
    I have few things for you :)

    First of all, fox character. I dont like it. Fox in ur previous games was way better then now. In Legend of the Twin Orbs Fox looks like mele character with breast, but however the enemy red fox is realy awesome, so mby you could edit blue fox to be more like the red fox (longer hair would be appreciate aswell).
    Furthermore, saving option. Lack of this feature was also felt in your previous games. I mean, after you open game you can continue from place you close game last time (and you can end game with first character, close it, and play it from beginig with secound character with bonus weapon of first character - that would be realy aaawesoome).
    And last but not least: lags - still hurts realy bad :)

    I hope my tips will be helpful for you, and Im still waiting for next version release.

  6. Honestly, right now all you need to do is continue the game. Add more levels, story, and characters to interact with. The combat is sufficient, along with the UI.

    Please, just keep going.
